To which group of people is tinnitus and deafness most likely to occur?

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  • Source:Rexton Hearing Aids

The ears are the hearing organs of our body. However, there are many diseases caused by small ears, and tinnitus and deafness are the most common ones.

Deafness is mainly caused by a series of pathological changes in people’s auditory system. Although many people have not personally experienced it, they should not be unfamiliar with this disease. After all, deafness is a common disease. The incidence rate in our country is still very high, and there are many such people around us. Moreover, deafness will have a very big impact on our lives, so people should pay great attention to it

In which group of people does tinnitus and deafness generally occur?
1. The life, work and family environment are in a state of tension, with excessive pressure and fatigue.
People who are in a state of long-term stress have increased secretion of norepinephrine hormone and increased secretion of adrenocortical hormone, which leads to vasoconstriction and even spasm of the small arteries in the inner ear, which reduces the blood flow in the inner ear and leads to ischemia in the inner ear. oxygen, causing tinnitus.

2. Lack of sleep and sleep disorders.

Staying up late, insomnia, and lack of sleep are common problems for many people nowadays. Because the body is in a state of fatigue for a long time and the brain does not get a good rest, it will lead to tinnitus. Night is the human body's physiological rest time. If you don't take a rest when you should, you will be overtired, which will lead to mental deterioration and ringing in your ears. This is when tinnitus appears.

3. Excessive drinking and excessive smoking.
Long-term alcoholism will lead to chronic alcoholism, which can lead to the decline of hearing organs. Over time, hearing will gradually decline. Smoking will not directly cause tinnitus. When the tar contained in cigarettes is inhaled by the human body, it can easily cause arteriosclerosis. Affects the blood supply to the ear nerves, causing tinnitus and deafness.

4. High cholesterol and high-salt diet.
Often like to eat food with strong taste, such as spicy food, whether it is high in salt or high in calories, it is a bad eating habit. This will lead to excessive internal heat and frequent tinnitus in the long run. .

  5. Frequently drink strong tea and caffeinated beverages.
Such stimulating drinks can aggravate tinnitus. Caffeine also affects the blood circulation system, dilating blood vessels in the skin and constricting blood vessels in the brain. Tinnitus may be aggravated when the blood vessels supplying the hearing organ constrict, causing insufficient blood supply.

6. People who wear headphones for a long time, have too noisy working environment, and often go to places with loud noises, etc.
If people are exposed to loud sounds for a long time, or the environment you are in is relatively noisy, then tinnitus will be very easy to occur, and the ears cannot get a good rest, which will also lead to hearing loss. If you If your work involves high-intensity noisy sounds, you must pay attention to noise protection and wear earplugs for a long time to protect your ears from damage.

7. Menopausal women.
Many menopausal women have normal hearing tests after developing tinnitus. In addition to tinnitus, they will also experience some unexplained symptoms, such as tinnitus when they touch the auricle or tap the scalp with their hands. It is currently believed that endocrine disorders, reduced estrogen, and autonomic nervous system dysfunction in menopausal women are the main causes of tinnitus. Ah
Tinnitus and deafness require timely treatment

In everyone’s impression, they always think that deafness and tinnitus only occur in the elderly. In fact, this idea is wrong. Many young people are now suffering from it. Suffering from deafness and tinnitus. When young people have symptoms of deafness and tinnitus, they must pay enough attention and go to the hospital for treatment in time to ensure the recovery of hearing.

According to experts, more and more working professionals are suffering from tinnitus and deafness. Deafness is now more common among young and middle-aged white-collar workers, but it has not attracted enough attention. When many patients with sudden deafness go to the hospital for examination, they are found to have moderate to severe deafness, or even total deafness. At this time, through treatment, the chance of complete recovery of hearing is only 30%. If you can go to the hospital for treatment within 3 days of illness, the effective rate of treatment can be as high as 80%. Many patients think that deafness can never be cured. In fact, early treatment of deafness can restore hearing to the greatest extent. For example, the treatment effect of sudden deafness is directly related to the time of treatment, which generally cannot exceed 3 days.

But if the patient is not treated in time after getting the disease, the consequences may be very serious, causing serious damage to hearing. In severe cases, hearing loss may occur within a few days, or even hearing loss, resulting in complete deafness. Young white-collar workers have become a group with a high incidence of deafness. Experts remind that if symptoms such as ear fullness and tinnitus suddenly appear, you should seek medical examination in time to rule out the possibility of deafness and restore your hearing. To avoid missing the best opportunity for treatment and causing lifelong regrets.

Experts warmly remind you that if you have symptoms of deafness and tinnitus, you must go to the hospital for treatment as soon as possible. Do not miss the best treatment for deafness because you do not seek medical treatment in time. At the best time, it will have a serious impact on the patient's hearing and leave the patient with lifelong regrets. Therefore, we must pay enough attention to deafness.

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