What are the characteristics of hearing loss in Meniere's syndrome?

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  • Source:Rexton Hearing Aids

Meniere's syndrome is also called insufficient blood supply to the brain. Patients will have symptoms such as dizziness and head pain, which are mostly caused by lack of sleep or physical weakness. Meniere's syndrome causes dizziness, deafness, tinnitus, and ear fullness during an attack. It is a great torture that patients often cannot bear. Many people are unable to carry out normal life and work, and some have frequent attacks. Patients may have to stay in bed for a long time and cannot get up.

What are the characteristics of hearing loss in Meniere's syndrome?
1. Sudden, recurring, and no warning before the attack. The length of the intermission period is variable. Some attacks are related to seasons, and some are related to endocrine.

2. Recurrent attacks, generally unable to heal on their own, become more and more severe. It is easy to develop another type or two types of vertigo.

3. The attack period is like being on a boat in the sea and encountering wind and waves. You will be unsteady, feel nausea and vomiting, and feel that you, the surrounding scenery, the sky and the earth are rotating, accompanied by sweating.

4. Tinnitus, hearing loss or sudden deafness. There are five specific manifestations of tinnitus, which are omitted here.

5. Some patients feel anxious to defecate or urinate. This symptom does not appear in every patient, and those who do appear are meaningful to the diagnosis.

6. Attack periods and intermittent periods alternate: the intermittent periods vary in length. The intermittent period is characterized by a return to the same state as the healthy period. If you feel drowsy or dizzy, your mind may not be clear. This is not a reduction of the disease, but a metamorphosis of the disease. The cause of the metamorphosis is improper use of medication during treatment or another type of vertigo.

7. Characteristics of vertigo in the prime of life and the elderly: except that it is the same as that of other ages, it becomes more and more severe. The elderly often suffer from secondary cervical vertigo, cerebral vertigo, senile epilepsy, etc.

8. If you have a long history of Meniere's syndrome, it is easy to become Meniere's syndrome, a "vertigo state type". The last time the vertigo has not ended, the next time The attacks come one after another. Continuous attacks of vertigo are a state of vertigo. The state type is very harmful to patients and life-threatening.

9. Simple Ménière's syndrome, no matter how severe the vertigo is, the mind is clear. A unclear mind is a sign of absent-mindedness (the time can be as short as seconds), and a unclear mind is another type of vertigo.

10. Meniere's syndrome is rare in teenagers, but it is not impossible.

Warm reminder that patients should do the following three things in their daily diet:

1. Diet and exercise: adequate nutrition, mainly light, low-salt diet, plenty of Eat eggs, lean meats, vegetables and fruits; avoid fatty, sweet and spicy foods, such as fatty meats, fried foods, alcohol, peppers, etc. After meals, choose walking, sword dancing, Tai Chi, Qigong and other exercise methods, gradually and persevere; do not climb high, lose weightViolent head and neck rotation.

2. Mental and environmental recuperation: Long-term sadness and tension can easily aggravate the condition. You should maintain a broad mind, an optimistic spirit, a comfortable mood, and a stable mood. Reduce sound and light stimulation in the living environment, keep the room quiet and the light soft.

3. Pay attention to safety: During an attack of vertigo, you must stay in bed and do not swing your head from side to side. Pay special attention to safety in daily life and work. Do not ride on crowded roads or near rivers and ponds, and do not engage in highly responsible and dangerous jobs.

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